Hey my stamping friends! I have a simple tip for you today and it's one you're going to use again and again. It answers a question I get asked quite often, "Which direction should you fold scored cardstock? Valley in or out?"Great question! Let me share a couple of tips in today's 2-Minute ...
Oh my friends... have I got a GREAT video for you today! I think this is the most brilliant tip I have shared to date. It was shared by a fellow Stampin' Up demonstrator (she asked to remain anonymous) and I must admit, I didn't fully believe her when she told me that I could keep my ...
Easter has the BEST candy, don't you think? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite and thought they deserved a special Easter Box. I hope you like today's project! Before you watch the video, I have to tell you....I hit a little snag on the insert. I had made several of these boxes and ...
I love my Stampin' Trimmer but the other day I went to change the blade and I couldn't for the life of me get that little thing OFF. I fought and fought with it and then I had a "DER" moment. You guys know what a "DER" moment it, right? That moment when you slap yourself on the forehead and ...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my coffee but I am quite particular about it. I like my coffee very fresh, with cream, and I want it all day long. 🙂 Mr. Awesome bought me Keurig coffee machine several years ago and it's the best thing ever. On the Stampin' Gals Gone Wild Facebook group, several of the ...
Is this dapper or what? I wanted to share a 2-Minute Tuesday Tip on using the Bow Builder punch and my finished bow reminded me of a card I created WAAAAY back when (if 2012 is way back when). That card is my most viewed video on YouTube with over 114,000 views. Back then I had to piece ...
Hey guys! Have I got a GREAT tip for you today! I almost wasn't able to share today. Mr. Awesome did some upgrades to the computer last night and well, you know how it goes... upgrades sometimes mean nothing will work after that. Technology is SO frustrating sometimes.Good news! I tweaked ...
Happy Monday my sweet peeps! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and Valentine's Day!Today has been an interesting day in the Stewart house. Late last night a huge ice storm hit and today the city streets resemble a skating rink....and that means no school. Man, that puts a damper on my ...
Hey guys! How's your Tuesday? Well, you survived Monday and that's a good thing because if you can survive Monday then you can be here for a 2-Minute Tuesday Tip video, right?I have a simple little idea that I think you're really going to like. Have you ever worked with a stamp and you want ...
Hello my stamping peeps! Are you ready for today's 2-Minute Tuesday Tip video? I have a very different project for you but one I think you'll love. Today I am going to show you how to turn this......into THIS!How many HUNDREDS of these container have you thrown away over the years? Or ...
Are you looking for a quick and easy Valentine gift? Today's video will show you how to make this SWEET Hershey Kiss Window Box.One thing I love about this project is that you can create 4 of them with just 1 sheet of cardstock so it's VERY affordable to make. Let's get going with the video ...
I absolutely LOVE Stampin' Up ribbon. I own them all. Do you have ribbon flying all over the place on the spool? Check out today's tip on fixing it with a simple 'snip'.If you are unable to view the video, CLICK HERE to view it online.Thanks so much for stopping by for today’s 2-Minute ...
Connie Stewart is an Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator. Connie is responsible for the content of this blog. Stampin' Up! does not endorse the use of the contents of classes, tutorials, services, or non-Stampin' Up! products that might be offered here.