The new catalog is almost here! I am SO excited about playing with NEW stamps and accessories! I know you guys get just as excited to see the new stamping toys as I do.One of the perks of being a Stampin' Up demonstrator is that we get to see and order some of the products a month early. ...
Hey everyone! As I mentioned yesterday, I have to leave town for some training so I have a great throwback video to share. Today I thought I would re-post my very first 2-minute Tuesday Tip video on using Heat-n-Stick powder. You guys know I LOVE me some bling and Heat-n-Stick powder is ...
There were some technical issues with this week's 2-Minute Tuesday Tip blog post so I am sharing it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.Hey guys! I have a quick 2-Minute Tip Video for you today. It answers a question I get asked quite a bit and it's about how to photograph your cards to ...
Hey guys! It's Tuesday and it's time for another 2-Minute Tuesday Tip. Today we're going to talk about Stamping Sponges. I love the look that sponging gives a project but I hate the mess it leaves on my fingers. Check out today's 2-Minute Tuesday Tip video to learn how to prep your sponges ...
Happy Tuesday everyone! I have a GREAT tip to share with you today. My BFF Brenda P. shared a tip with me on creating your own shiny cardstock. I LOVE shiny things and I LOVE shiny cardstock. She said I could share the tip with you so here we go...It's so easy! Let me show you how in ...
Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We enjoyed a beautiful church service and fabulous dinner at our friends, the Riedls. Cindy has really got the gift of hospitality and always takes the extra steps to make a dinner special. Poor thing, she was fighting the same ...
Hey Everyone! Happy Tuesday! Today's 2-Minute Tuesday Tip answers a question I get asked a lot. "What size do I cut cardstock to make the cards I see everyone making?"If you've been stamping for a long time, you are familiar with the A-2 measurements but if you are new to card making or ...
Well, the dreaded taxes continue. I'm not getting as much done as I would like. DRAT! Too many distractions but not to worry. IRS Week for me means IRS Week for you - IRS meaning I'd Rather Stamp! Because I am busy pulling my hair out trying to make sense of all of this stuff, I am ...
Yesterday I shared with you that this is the dreaded Tax Week (dun dun DUUUUNNNN). That means that my stamp room is now covered with receipts, W-2's, and a lot of coffee. Since I'm not able to stamp with you this week, I created IRS Week - I'd Rather Stamp! Today's IRS video is one of my ...
Ugh. Taxes. Anyone else out there HATE this time of year? I put off working taxes as long as I possibly can but guys, I can't put it off any longer. Mr. Awesome and I are going out of town this weekend for my birthday (Yay! Another cabin in the woods!), next ...
Hey my stamping friends! I have a simple tip for you today and it's one you're going to use again and again. It answers a question I get asked quite often, "Which direction should you fold scored cardstock? Valley in or out?"Great question! Let me share a couple of tips in today's 2-Minute ...
Oh my friends... have I got a GREAT video for you today! I think this is the most brilliant tip I have shared to date. It was shared by a fellow Stampin' Up demonstrator (she asked to remain anonymous) and I must admit, I didn't fully believe her when she told me that I could keep my ...
Connie Stewart is an Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator. Connie is responsible for the content of this blog. Stampin' Up! does not endorse the use of the contents of classes, tutorials, services, or non-Stampin' Up! products that might be offered here.