MAKE IT MONDAY - FREE tutorial at

Make It Monday is a BRAND NEW series I just started last week and I am super excited about it.  Each Monday I will share a project with you PLUS a printable project sheet that you can take with you to your stamping space.  You can download it too, if you prefer to work off of a laptop or tablet.  No subscription, no fees, FREE because you guys are SO awesome!

A couple of weeks ago I attended a wonderful CREATIVATE Retreat (more about that later this week).  My dear friend Lisa Curio gave me this SWEET little Tic Tac gift.  I thought it was SO darling that I wanted to share it with you.  The grape Tic Tacs were so perfect with the cardstock.

Tic Tac Cover - learn how to create this simple and sweet little gift for a friend at - February 1, 2016 Tic Tac Cover - learn how to create this simple and sweet little gift for a friend at - February 1, 2016

MAKE IT MONDAY - Sweet Tic Tac Cover tutorial - FREE at  - look for the February 8, 2016 blog post

CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD the tutorial for FREE!


Here are the supplies you would need to create this sweet Tic Tac cover!  Just click a pic to order!


What I Did Over My Weekend

A Short Essay by Connie Stewart

Ikea round 4

The Stewarts had a TOUGH weekend.  Mr. Awesome spent Friday and Saturday designing a new office space for our computer desks (thank you Ikea for cool software).  It’s actually our formal dining room but we’re not really formal dining room people anyway so an office made more sense.  So, we made the trek to Ikea, a 3 hour drive, 9 hours of shopping, and 3 hours home, with a U-Haul in tow.

We are sore. We are tired.  And we haven’t even STARTED on the remodel yet.  We’re actually doing more than just the computer area.  We are somewhat redoing the dining room too.  We have some BEAUTIFUL heirloom china that belonged to Rich’s grandmother and it’s sitting in a box because we’ve never had a place to put it.  We will now!  We have a really nice China hutch to put it in plus new dining room chairs to update the look.

My girls have outgrown their twin beds so we also got them full-sized beds but they are SO cool.  The mattress lifts up and underneath is a HUGE amount of storage.  Their rooms aren’t huge so hidden storage is a must.

Malm bed from Ikea

Thank heavens our best friends Mark & Brenda are coming for a visit next week and they have graciously offered to help us with the project.  When they see how much stuff we have, they may take the first flight out of here though!  We are not in a hurry to get it all done in a week so we just work when we can.  We plan to bribe them with dinner at some of Oklahoma City’s best restaurants. <wink>  Mark & Brenda can always be bribed with CrabTown, one of our favorite places to eat.


Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Happy Happy Monday everyone!  See ya tomorrow for another 2-Minute Tuesday Tip video using the Curvy Corner Trio Punch!
Botanical Garden Gift Box of Cards -February 2016 Let's Get Creative - get a free video & written tutorial with any $20 order when you use Host Code TMGUW9S9 at

Use the Host Code TMGUW9S9
on your order of $20 or more
and receive this month’s exclusive video & written tutorial for the
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Stampin’ Rewards starting at $15 in free product PLUS the video & tutorial!