Oh, now HERE is a fun project!  I love this classy marbled stocking gift card holder.  It’s so elegant!  Just wait until you see the tutorial.  It’s very easy to create. See what SANTA'S LITTLE ELVES Design Team has created for you in their COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS collection of tutorials. See a new tutorial every Friday at www.SimplySimpleStamping.com

If you don’t have this bundle, it will be available through January 2nd.  After that, it’s gone for good.  I always say, “Get it now or pay big bucks on eBay!”.  There are bundles that come out that are sleepers in the Holiday catalog but when it retires it becomes SUPER popular.  I have a feeling the Tags & Trimmings bundle will be one of those.  

Here you can see what the back looks like.  Yep, that pillow box is part of the Tags & Trimmings bundle so there is a framelit that will create it for you.  If you’re like me, you want your framelits to be versatile and the Tags & Trimmings bundle fits the bill.  The pillow box can be used all year long for so many different projects.

Are you ready to create it yourself?  I have a complete tutorial for you, courtesy of Santa’s Little Elves!  Just take your mobile device to your stamp space and create from here OR you can download the tutorial to save for later.

Would you rather save the tutorial to your computer?


Can I make a recommendation?  Create a file in your “Documents” on your computer and call it COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS so you can always find the downloads whenever you need them.  Or, you can always search the Categories (right side bar) and click on Countdown to Christmas.  You will see all of the tutorials in one place.

Want to order any of the supplies needed to make the Marbled Stocking Gift Card Holder?  Click a pic to order! 


*Also available in Wood Mount


I had the most amazing couple of days.  My daughter, Ginny, is in show choir at her high school.  This is a group of 15 kids who sing more detailed music, harmony, and more performance based stuff.  Their choir teacher, Lynn Herbal, also brings in about 15-20 special needs students to sing with them.  Ginny absolutely LOVES her special friends.

This past May, Ginny saw a story on the news that inspired her.  It was a program where a theatre troupe performed “Aladdin Jr” where the kids in the program worked with special needs kids and were basically their ‘shadow’ in the musical.  They were there to help them with lines or where to move on the stage if they needed help.  So, there were 2 Aladdins on stage, 2 Jasmines, etc.  It was really cool.  

Ginny went to her choir teacher the next day to tell her about this and how awesome it would be if they could give their special friends this same kind of theatre experience.  Ginny and Lynn worked over the summer to find the perfect show and decided a Christmas show would be a lot of fun.  Fast forward, and Wednesday and Thursday, the kids performed “A Very Bear-y Christmas”.

Tears are streaming down my face as I type this.  It was the most emotional program I have ever seen.  Not a dry eye in the auditorium.  I was so moved by the program and the students of Moore High School that I came home to share a Facebook Live about my experience.  I thought I would post the video so I could share what the program is about. If you are reading this in an email, CLICK HERE to see the video.

I share this because I think we all need reminded that not all teenagers are bad.  There are some GREAT kids out there and I have never been more proud to be a part of this community.

This was filmed after Wednesday’s performance.  I went back on Thursday to see it again.  On Thursday, the Moore Public School administration came to see it.  The superintendent, Dr. Romines, wanted to meet Ginny.  He was so impressed and so very pleased with what they were able to accomplish with this program.  I think Dr. Romines is proud to share such an inspiring program to the community (He cried too. Like I said, not a dry eye in the place.)  He also met with the kids before the show, giving them high-fives, and encouraging them.  I love that our superintendent took time from his very busy schedule to be a part of something like this.  He’s a pretty cool guy!

I am so excited to say that next semester they are doing it again!  This time it is a collection of 70 years of Disney.  At least when they sing “Bear Necessities” they already have the bear ears!  🙂SaveSave



Use the December Host Code X3AMDUHN on your order of $30 or more and receive a HOLIDAY TREAT from Connie along with your Thank You card! Order from www.SimplySimpleStamping.com Thank you all so much for joining me today and thank you for letting me share my heart!   Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!

Use the DECEMBER HOST CODE X3AMDUHN on your order of $30* or more and I will include a Holiday Treat in your thank you card!  It’s kinda like getting something fun from Santa only from me and all for using that Host Code.  What a sweet deal!

Remember, if your order is over $150.00*, DON’T use the Host Code and earn Stampin’ Rewards (Rewards start at $15) plus you’ll also receive the free gift from me!  See?  I know you love free!

*Before Tax & Shipping – One Holiday Treat per person











